1- Under pressure:How politicians respond to public demand
2- A Common [EU] narrative
3- Strike your deal: pitching agencies
4- Weighing the impact: evluating who hears what in EU communications
5- Voicing citizens concers in the policy process
6- How to make Eu news local news?
7- Coping with online criticsm
8- Drivers of an EU identity
9- New trends in government campaigning
10- How to make EU news local news ? [bis]
11- How to lobby for EU democracy
12- R.S.V.P: The power of local EU events
13- Online communities: more than a comms tactic
14- Eurosceptimania
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
15- Preaching or teaching: educational communication tools
16- R.S.V.P: the power of local events [bis]
17- Digital transformation of government organisations
18- Cooperation on the ground - national roundtables
20- Transparency: a duty or an opportunity?
21- Seeking common ground: communicating on migration
23- Images that tell a story
22-Science or common sense: communication management education
24- Reform the norm
25- Radical Europe
26- Analysis of the Eurobarometer
27- Open EU: integrative decision-making
29- Unconference: EU open policy making
Thursday, 22 October 2015